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Windows/doors VS Symbol shapes



When we insert a window or a door using a symbol, all the lines of the symbol are showed in plan view.... See the images attached.

It's strange, because in the insertion of the "window B", the plan view of this window is correct (see the imge 01). But If we go out of the file, and we return to open again this file, the lines are visible again in plan view (see image 02).

The only way to "solve it" is using the "Restore 3D view"-> Recreate. But it's only a temporal solution, because every time we go out from the file, the lines of the symbol are visibles again in plan view.

How to solve it correctly?

Thanks a lot!
Xavi C.A,

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

Anhänge (3)

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294-mal heruntergeladen
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Typ: application/octet-stream
852-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 448,21 KiB

By luck, the lines are not printed/ploted.


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