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[Frage] Converting associative views to new type of views and sections


I have library with elements like columns, slabs, etc. with reinforcement and dimension lines but they were created in the older type of views. I know that I can't mix old and new views together and that it will convert old views to lines, so I thought if I would delete the older views I would be able to just create the new views and add dimension lines again, but Allplan says I can't mix them. If I delete reinforcement it works, but that is the most important part, basically that is why I have the library in the first place. Is there a way to create new type of views but with the reinforcement still in the drawing file?

Thank you in advance.

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With Allplan 2023 all the "old" sections (result of hidden lines, reinfocement, labels... ) are transformed into counstruction elements (lines, texts, hatching...).

As a result there is opticaly as it was, but there is no connection to the model.

3D modell and reinforcement as 3D model stay intact, there is no connection/interaction between model and transformed views.

You need to create new sections and labels.


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I forgot to specify that I usually use Allplan 2022. I made a video where you can see that it have some kind of problem with reinforcement in Allplan 2022 whereas it works normally Allplan 2023. Any ideas?

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