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Full Schema Error

I did some changes in the reinforcement and clicked the button rearrange bars
and this happened (see the picture below), the marks from the full schema dissapeared!
What causes this kind of problem?

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
134-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 38,06 KiB

Zitiert von: BogdanCucos
I did some changes in the reinforcement and clicked the button rearrange bars

and this happened (see the picture below), the marks from the full schema dissapeared!

What causes this kind of problem?

Can you share your file?

Zitiert von: ChippyCat

Quote by BogdanCucosI did some changes in the reinforcement and clicked the button rearrange barsand this happened (see the picture below), the marks from the full schema dissapeared!
What causes this kind of problem?

Can you share your file?

Anhänge (1)

Typ: application/ndw
631-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 2,13 MiB

Did you copy marks (dissapeared marks) from sections ?

I really don't understand what you mean by copy marks from sections


is the attached drawing file the correct one? I don´t see here the same as in the attached picture, and the function "rearrange marks" run correctly.
What´s happened, if you create a new full schema and uses then again the "rearrange marks" ?

Best regards


Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH

It helps for a while , then sometimes the problem occurs again
I want to know what caused it because the problem appeared on other drawings as well.
And we are currently are working on a very big project, so yeah lot of wasted time to rearenge the full schemas

Kann mich mal einer aufklären, welche Funktionen dabei verwendet werden?
Wo gibt es den die Funktion "Markierungen neu anordnen"?

Mit besten Grüßen!

Allplan Ingenieurbau V10 bis V2025

Guten Morgen Jürgen,

die Funktion "Verpositionieren" ist hier mit "rearrange marks" gemeint......

Michael Theuer
Customer Success Manager
Allplan GmbH