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Reinforcement bar diameter in drawing [Gelöst]


When I introduce new bar shape, I can see, that for example: rebar #16 is thicker than #12. But when I use Layout Editor to print reinforcement drawing rebars thickness are the same and depends on pen thickness (-> attach file). Could You tell me how can I change it and get real rebar diameter in drawing? Sorry for my English.

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You can create custom pen thicknesses and after you finish the drawing, change the format properties using Rebar filters-By Diameter.

Is this a requirement from your drawing standard or something you'd like to do to improve your drawing's appearance?

There is also the posibility of using a color code by mark or diameter size which you cand apply in the same manner using Change format properties and Rebar Filters - diametre/mark.

Best regards,


eng. Ciprian Popa

I would like to improve drawing's apperance. And I think that change the format properties using Rebar filters-By Diameter is good solution, because of I can choose all #8-10 rebars and set 0,18 pen thickness, #12 - 0,25 etc. And what is the most important, it will take me 1-2 minutes.

Thank you for all your help.

Best regards,

I'm glad it helped.


eng. Ciprian Popa

I used bars as filling layout, but then on PDFs it came out with a thin white frame on each bars ... you got the same ?

http://latableadessin.fr - http://forum-allplan.com