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Allplan 2015 with Windows 10

Did anyone made the new upgrade of windows 10 and tried its efficiency with Allplan 2015?
and if so I need to know if there is any problems or no

Thanks in advanced

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I have a serious proplem, since i updated to WIN 10 my student version opens only as viewer and is unable to open any files.

My licence isn't expired. i got nearly 1 year left.

1 - 10 (15)

It seems to work correctly. But this Technical Preview have still new releases.
So, we will see...

After Upgrade from Windows 7 Pro x64 to Windows 10 Pro x64, I got a message Allplan 2015 is not supported.


Of course, Allplan 2015 is released before the launch of Windows 10 (2 days ago).
But, it seems that it's ok on Windows 10.

It work the only problem i have is opening the window OPEN ON A PROJECT SPECIFIC BASIS ( CTRL+ALT+0 ). I takes long time before it opens.

I have upgraded to Windows 10 version and i have trouble with Allplan 2014 and 2015 student version when i have to for example input properties for the wall the computer freezes.

Also freezes when exporting IFC model.

Zitiert von: AndrejJ
I have upgraded to Windows 10 version and i have trouble with Allplan 2014 and 2015 student version when i have to for example input properties for the wall the computer freezes.

I have the same problem!
It also freezez on inputing material surface settings.
Nemetschek support could not offer help for these issues.

Zitiert von: mat_pav
It work the only problem i have is opening the window OPEN ON A PROJECT SPECIFIC BASIS ( CTRL+ALT+0 ). I takes long time before it opens.

I think that can be fixed if you switch in Wiew/Instruments/Configuration - to the Windows colour scheme and pictograms (from Allplan scheme).

Also when opening the Options. It probably freezes alot in settings mode and it is getting very anoying.

1 - 10 (15)