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[Frage] Extend ToolTips

  • Toolcips

Extend tooltips are only displayed if actionbar configuration is ennabled.

extended tooltips are only displayd configuration is enabled.

but allplan2022 is not working.

If you have any other settings, please let me know.

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
72-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 29,18 KiB
1 - 10 (15)


Extend tooltips are not working in Allplan 2022-0-5.
You can only use "Plain tooltip".

Thank you for getting back to me.

So what is the available version?


What do you mean?

So in what version does it work?
I want to display this image.

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
46-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 61,63 KiB


You can create walls in all Allplan versions except Allplan Basic.

I want to use tool tips to display the icon as shown in the picture.

I don't know. I use Allplan 2022-0-5.
Maybe try with a previous version (2022-0-4, 2022-0-3, ...).
Sorry, I don't need this feature because I use Allplan from more than 24 years...

You can also access to the online help. When you launched a function, press F1 key and you get the help page for this function.

Thank you for answering your question. I can't solve it, but I am grateful for your support.

Thank you for your feedback.
Maybe this feature will work again in the next version 2022-0-6...

1 - 10 (15)