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[Frage] Report and link

Can anyone give directions to create reports
of the type: click on ID of element (wall, room, etc.) and highlight red color the object in the plan?
Thank you for indication.

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Hi, here you can find informations about that topic in german:
Most important is to insert the Action tag/ Bookmark tag as shown below.
Every element (textbox, picture, ...) with the click funcionality needs this tag.

                    <Textbox Name="textbox38">



Zitiert von: Danilos
Can anyone give directions to create reports
of the type: click on ID of element (wall, room, etc.) and highlight red color the object in the plan?

Thank you for indication.

For example like this attachment

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
99-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 20,60 KiB

Hi, here you can find informations about that topic in german:
Most important is to insert the Action tag/ Bookmark tag as shown below.
Every element (textbox, picture, ...) with the click funcionality needs this tag.

                    <Textbox Name="textbox38">



Zitiert von: Marcus
Hi, here you can find informations about that topic in german:


Most important is to insert the Action tag/ Bookmark tag as shown below.

Every element (textbox, picture, ...) with the click funcionality needs this tag.


Thank you for information, Marcus.