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DEFINE MATERIAL and new CineRender ?


I want to adjust a smartpart with "DEFINE MATERIAL" texture, but I do not know how to new Cinerender information, for example to define texture BUMP and reflection.

Here is what I did today, but I am not satisfied with the result

DEFINE MATERIAL "Ral_5014" 0 , 
! couleur RVB [0.0 à 1.0]
( 108 / 255 ) , ( 124 / 255 ) , ( 152 / 255 ) , 
0 , ! ambient coefficient [0.0..1.0]
0 , ! diffuse coefficient [0.0..1.0]
0.92 , !Brillance [0.0..1.0]
0 , ! Transparence coeff. [0.0..1.0]
50  ! Réflexion  [0.0..100.0]

DEFINE MATERIAL "Ral_1015" 20 , 
( 233 / 255 ) , ( 214 / 255 ) , ( 186 / 255 ) , ! surface RGB [0.0..1.0]
1 , ! ambient coefficient [0.0..1.0]
1 , ! diffuse coefficient [0.0..1.0]
0.2 , !Brillance [0.0..1.0]
0 , ! Transparence coeff. [0.0..1.0]
5 , ! Réflexion  [0.0..100.0]
0 , ! Transparence atten. [0.0..4.0]
1 , 1 , 1 , ! Brillance RGB [0.0..1.0]
1 , 1 , 1 , ! emission RGB [0.0..1.0]
1 , ! emission atten. [0.0..65.5]
1 , !fill index
1 !color index

I believe that my setting are former and more adapt to the new settings CineRender, can you help me has adjust them.

Thanks for your help

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu



Hi Olivier,

there is no update for new "channels" in material defintion for CineRender
inside the SmartParts-Component!

So, you could stop your trials.
Make a wish for it, and pray :-)

Regards Jörg

Very well, I'll ask a candle Sunday and wait ;)

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu




For 2 years I had a dream and prayers, I was very wise.

Santa Claus Allplan I wish the settings of the materials was possible with the Smartparts settings

Thank you

Administrateur forum : Allplan.leforum.eu

