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[Frage] Function Tube

it's possible make objects with function "Tube" and axes rotated like skecth?

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Zitiert von: Nemo

Thank you Nemo for information!

Hi Nemo, I want to make a shape like sketch and I have this code for "tube" but I don't undestand why it doesn't work. The section is backwards!
Can I help me please? Thankyou.

TUBE 3,6,1+2,


p-r , 0 , 1 , 0 ,
p-r , 0 , 0, 0 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 0 , -l , 0 ,
p , 0 , -l , 0 ,
1 , 0 , -l , 0

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I wrote: ROTX 90 not ROTX9O

This is how it works...

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Zitiert von: Nemo
I wrote: ROTX 90 not ROTX9O
This is how it works...

Hi Nemo, thank you for the clarification! In the script that I reported I have written incorrectly O instead of 0 but in my smartpart script I correctly reported 0 and in fact my form is the same form as you.
I would like the shape you see in the sketch on the left (with bull on the outside).
Sorry for my imprecisions.

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If you want the cross-section to look different, just define it differently!

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Typ: text/xml
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Größe: 9,82 KiB

Zitiert von: Nemo
Se vuoi che la sezione trasversale abbia un aspetto diverso, definiscila in modo diverso!

Thank you very much for the clarification! Goodbye.