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[Frage] Größe gleichbleibend im Plan

  • Text größe

Liebe Smartpart Experten,

gibt es in den Smartparts einen Befehl für den Schalter " Textgröße gleichbleibend im Plan"?

1 - 10 (14)


No, you have to make your own code to get what you want...


That would explain the not really selfexplanatory behavior of this checkbox. I wondered about which size the root size was. My Guess was 1:100.

If you talk about the checkbox on the properties palette when you select a text, it works fine.
It seems that this checkbox is not displayed for SmartParts...
Could you please give more details to help me to understand what you mean?
Thank you.

This is.

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Thank you JR!
It seems that the Spanish translator made his own interpretation.
Look at the 2 pictures: the text in English and German (and also in French) doesn't say the same thing as in Spanish...

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Typ: image/png
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Well it seems that the Spanish translator was right.

And then does it mean that the other translations, including the German one, are bad?
I always check this box.
I tried to uncheck this box but I didn't see any change.
What can I expect?...
Thank you.

Sorry. It was a mistake of mine. Any change unchecking this box.

Thank you.
Then, it's another mystery...

1 - 10 (14)