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SmartParts: Priority display sequence, Constructon lines

Hi everybody,

I have some questions about smartparts language:
- Are there any command to control the priority for the display sequence in 2D?
- Are there any command to create "construcion lines" (hilfskonstruktion)?
- How do you use the global commands like "glob_layer", "glob_scale", etc..?

Thanks a lot!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

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for the sequence of the 2D-Elements you can use the DRAW_SEQ command:
where n = 0 ... 31

This command is an directive, that means alle following objects get this order, untils you define a new one or reset to default with

Without using this, the 2D-Elements are created with the predefined Draw-Order of Allplan:
Line2D, Polyline2D, Arc2D, Spline2D - 15
Filling - 8
Hatching - 12
FaceSet - 11
Pattern - 12
Bitmaps - 10

2. Question
with 2012 it is not possible to create contruction lines (Hilfskonstruktion)
..but we are working about it!

GLOB_LAYER, GLOB_SCALE and the other keywords with GLOB_XXXXX are read only global parameters representing values of current allplan drawing
For instance, you can use it in this way:

do something when scale = 1:50

A special parameter is GLOB_MODPAR_NAME, which holds the name of the last modified parameter.
Modification can be done with input new value into the dialog or pulling a associated handle.

Also PREV_MODE is a special flag. It indicates, that the script is running during preview construction:

do something only in preview mode
do something for final object creation


Thanks for your fast answer, Jorg!

After read carefully the solutions, I was trying with my smartpart, and I have some others questions:

QUESTION 1 When I use the parameter "Glob_scale", the SmartPart not adapted automaticaly: when I change the Allplan drawing scale, I must click the icon "update smartpart" to update

QUESTION 2 There are something strange when I use together the parameters poly and poly_2. The fill of poly_2 hide completly the lines of poly. In my smarpart, I want to create a fill in one layer, and the contourn on other layer.

LAYER "P5547"
TRANS2 0 , 0
POLY2 4 , 0 + 2 + 4 , 0 , 0 , REF_X , 0 , REF_X , REF_Y , 0 , REF_Y

LAYER "P5542"
POLY 4 , 0 , 0 , REF_X , 0 , REF_X , REF_Y , 0 , REF_Y

QUESTION 3 How to create one polyline with lines and arcs?

Thanks a lot Jorg!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/


The change of the scale inside Allplan has no effect to the SmartPart. It's right, that you have to "Refresh" it. I think, the aim is, to get different representations at different scales. A better solution for this would be, if you create different foils for that.
The commands are: DEFINE FOIL and FOIL
Here an example:

DEFINE FOIL "50" 1,0,
0, !from scale
50, !to sclae
0,0,0,!ref pnt1 x,y,z
0,0,0,!ref pnt2 x,y,z
1,1,1,!layer a,b,c
0,1,2 !scale x,y,z

DEFINE FOIL "100" 1,0,
51, !from scale
100, !to sclae
0,0,0,!ref pnt1 x,y,z
0,0,0,!ref pnt2 x,y,z
1,1,1,!layer a,b,c
0,1,2 !scale x,y,z

FOIL "50"
RECT2 0 , 0 , REF_X , REF_Y

FOIL "100"
CIRCLE2 ref_x/2,ref_y/2,ref_x/2

If you now change the scale, ther smartpart change the representation (without Refresh!)
At 1:50 there is an Rectangle, at 1:100 there is an Circle...

Question 2
If you want to have contour and filling separatly, the you have to call poly2 with different flags:

Thanks Jörg!
I will do it using Foil parameter, and using Poly2 :-D

I have one last question:

QUESTION 4 As you explained, the parameter "glob_scale" control the variation of the display of the elements depending on the "reference scale" (BezugsmaBstab) of drawing.
How you can control the variation of the display of the elements depending on the "Drawing type Set" (Zeichnunstyp)?

Thanks Jörg!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

...thats also can be done with foils, but not in Version 2012.
Sorry, you have to wait for the next version :-)


Oooooh... bad news, Jörg. I would like to convert all my makros to SmartParts, but I will have to wait for the next version.

And now, my last (perhaps.. jejejeje) questions about SmartParts:

QUESTION 5 The Smart Symbols (Makros) can be created with the option "resize Smart Symbol" desactivated. When you insert this makro in a drawing, it will prevent to be modificable when you are using the tool "Stretch Entities" (Punkte modifizieren) when you are modifying other elements like walls, windows, etc.. in a drawing with a lot of diferents elements.
Is possible to do the same like the makros to the Smartparts, and restrict the modification of the Smartpart to the tools "modify Smartpart using Handle" and "Modify Smartpart using dialog boxes"?

QUESTION 6 When you insert a SmartPart in a drawing, the display priority order of this smarpart is -7. I change it in the format properties (formateigenschaften), and it seem to change it, but if you draw any hatch / pattern, the smartpart continues drawing under the hatch / pattern. Are there any form to change correctly the priority display of a smartpart?

Thanks for your patience, Jörg :-D

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

Question 5
the scaling and point modification behaviour for a SmartPart you can probably switch off, when you modify the reference box to a point with ref_x=0, ref_y=0,ref_z=0.
But in this case some side effects , for instance with not correct selection, occurs!
Sorry, but I havn't perfect solution for this...

Question 6
It is better, you set set drawing sequence with DRAW_SEQ inside the script, not with format porperties!
Then it should work....

Regards. Jörg

About question 5, I will do your solution for all the Smartparts in contact with the walls, like bathtub, sinks, etc. .. and only will be modificable by dialog box. For furniture away from walls, I will use the normal method of creating smartparts.

About question 6, you're right, the parameter Draw_seq inside the smartpart affect outside the smartpart, perfect!

Thanks a lot Jörg!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/


In my videos you may notice that there is a deformation when a macro that I positioned in an opening Smartparts.

I did some testing with the command "DEFINE FOIL" and also with the commands "and ref_pnt1 ref_pnt2" keg for objects as for conventional macro, but given the number of different objects that I put in my Smartparts, I would an impressive amount of "foil" .. too cumbersome.
Do you think there is a solution for avoiding having to repeat a "" refrech "whenever I position a macro in an opening? I just be missing something somewhere.

thank you and sorry if I have embedded in your conversation, but the subject was quite the one I missed

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