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Weird behavior in the background color


Hello all,

I was working on some UI stuff when I noticed some weird behavior when setting some background colors. I checked out some examples found here:
but they also have the same behavior.

1. Create two pages, page A with an input field with a green back ground color
2. switch to page B
3. switch back to page A --> background color of the field is set back to default
4. set value of the input --> background color of the field is set back to green

I have attached a demo video using the python part defined in the PaletteExamples
Is this a bug or intended? If this is intended, then how can I make the input field to keep the color?

Anhänge (1)

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Zitiert von: melanieernst
Is this a bug or intended? If this is intended, then how can I make the input field to keep the color?


Thank you very much for the feedback! This is a bug. We have put it in our backlog and will try to fix it as soon as we can.
