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[Frage] Idea to minimize mistake in tag a bar


Hello everyone,
I'm having a problem with my big plans. As you can see, the plan have many rebar and we can mistake to tag a rebar. I mean that some rebars can not be tagged. Can we have a idea which can find exactly the rebars not tagged.

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Zitiert von: Ryuhayabusa199377
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I do not recommend doing this if you have a lot of bars and you will waste a lot of time.

Personally, I developed such a method of self-control that after finishing the drawing, I copy the entire view and hide the bars one by one, checking whether the description disappears. It also helps to check "2x" bars or accidental bar duplication.


unfortunately there is no tool that would show you which rebar is not taged.
I think this wish is already reported to Allplan.

The only way not to miss a tag is to tag the rebar immediately after they are placed.


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Zitiert von: Jurij_Sket
unfortunately there is no tool that would show you which rebar is not taged.
I think this wish is already reported to Allplan.
The only way not to miss a tag is to tag the rebar immediately after they are placed.

Thank you! I hope we will have similar tools soon.

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Zitiert von: Ryuhayabusa199377
Use this tool

I do not recommend doing this if you have a lot of bars and you will waste a lot of time.

Personally, I developed such a method of self-control that after finishing the drawing, I copy the entire view and hide the bars one by one, checking whether the description disappears. It also helps to check "2x" bars or accidental bar duplication.