A few days ago I asked already in the German speaking part of this message board. But sadly there are no answers yet.
'cuase this I try this part of the support forum.
A few days ago I watched Allplan's visual scripting videos for the first time and found a script here in the forum in which I see a benefit for being able to quickly place reinforcement (bar shape) directly in the isometric view.
The script as a picture in the attachment.
With Allplan, if you select the diameter for the bar shape, the hook length and the bending roll factor are automatically set accordingly (Figures d10 to d14 as examples).
When I run the script and define the four points, "Closed stirrups" appear in the palette on the left. Diameter 10 and the correct details of hook length and bending roller diameter (Fig. 1 in the appendix).
If I change the diameter to 14 there - before I finish the script - the hook length and the bending roll diameter do not adjust. How could that be changed (in the script)? (Fig. 2 in the appendix).
If I leave all the values as in Fig. 1 in the appendix and place the bracket and subsequently change the diameter, the hook length will not be adjusted (Fig. 3 in the appendix). How can I ensure that this will automatically adjust as the diameter changes? In the case of "normal" reinforcement, this value is automatically adjusted.
Thanks for your input and thoughts. As I said, I'm just starting out with the topic, but I find it exciting.
I tried some of the example reinforcement-scripts and there the problem is the same.
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