[Otázka] Visual Scripting: Input angle manually [Vyřešeno]

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe über den Node <AngleComboBoxInput> Winkel eingegeben, mit denen ich die Schrägstellung des Quaders (siehe Bild 1) und die gleichbleibende Breite steuere. Allerdings kann man in der ComboBox nur die voreingestellten Winkel von 0 gon bis 100 gon in bestimmten Abständen auswählen, wodurch es nicht möglich ist, Dezimalzahlen (z.B. 79,3 gon) oder Werte größer 100 gon einzugeben (Steuerung der Richtung der Schrägstellung).

Gibt es hier eine Möglichkeiten, diese Problematik über einen anderen Node zu umgehen und eigenhändig Winkel einzugeben? (Im Node <Rotate> kann ich diese Winkel zwar eingeben, allerdings soll dies bereits in einen eigenen Eingabefenster am Anfang des Skripts passieren, da ich diesen Wert als Zwischenwert benötige)

Vielen Dank


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Hi Marco,

First of all, as you posted question in the international forum, I modified the topic name into English, so that other people may at least understand what is this question about.

For the problem you mentioned, you can still use the node "Rotate" to bypass the restriction there. But in order to make it work, you must provide an input for the parameter "ObjectsToRotate" of node "Rotate". In the attached screenshot "AngleInput.png", a simple Point3D was connected to it as a placeholder. Then, if you turn off the visibility of all the other parameters from node "Rotate", you can input angle directly in ALLPLAN palette. It accepts °/deg/gon/rad as valid suffix for an angle.

We knew that problem, and are working on a better solution for those different input nodes.


Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Hi Marco,

First of all, as you posted question in the international forum, I modified the topic name into English, so that other people may at least understand what is this question about.

For the problem you mentioned, you can still use the node "Rotate" to bypass the restriction there. But in order to make it work, you must provide an input for the parameter "ObjectsToRotate" of node "Rotate". In the attached screenshot "AngleInput.png", a simple Point3D was connected to it as a placeholder. Then, if you turn off the visibility of all the other parameters from node "Rotate", you can input angle directly in ALLPLAN palette. It accepts °/deg/gon/rad as valid suffix for an angle.

We knew that problem, and are working on a better solution for those different input nodes.


Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Hi Xinling,

sorry, I haven`t seen that this is the international forum. Thank you for your answer. Now I can adapt this node so that I can rotate the objects.

But how do I go on, if I have operators like <Sine> or <OperatorDivision> (see picture) for those I need an angle input? Is there also something like a placeholder?



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Hi Marco,

Unfortunately, because of our forum is currently separated between different languages, we actually recommend / encourage user to post questions/wishes regarding VS in the international forum, so that more people might read and understand them.

For you question, you can easily connect the output-port from the angle-type parameter of the node "Rotate" to other nodes, such as node "Sine". (please check the attached screenshot)


Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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