[Frage] Does Allplan contain BEM analysis (Thermal bridge simulation, energy analysis reports etc.)

  • Allplan
  • Thermal bridge
  • BEM
  • Energy analysis
  • Solar radiation

I would like to know if there is or will be a way to convert your BIM into BEM model. I want to calculate energy analysis within Allplan.
Is this possible to do like in ArchiCAD or Revit?

Is there any other possibility like an Add-on or plugin for Allplan to provide me energy analysis (energy usage, solar radiation, thermal bridges)?


There are two add-ons from AX3000 available in Allplan Shop:
AX3000 Energy Performance
AX3000 Temperature simulation

Also there is Thermal Insulation module inside Energy family, connected to calculations in external software DÄMMWERK

Also there are three AX3000 Energy web aplications from AX3000 also available in Allplan Shop.

Hi JohanC,

Thank you for these infromations.

- AX3000 energy seems useful, but I cannot even see a youtube video, trailer or demonstration. I wish there was something to see about Ax3000 Energy in Allplan.

- DÄMMWERK might be a good software, but it's an external software so it is not right solution for me.

Will there be an integrated modul for Allplan in the future (like Insight for Revit and Ecodesigner Star for Archicad)?

Best regards, Toni

Hi ToniC911,

More info about ax3000 add-ons is available at https://www.ax3000-group.de/

AX-3000 is integrated into Allplan. For demo version ask your local distributor.