Hello, I would ask a question regarding WGM. For instance: I have installed on all computers Allplan, using server licence with WGM (in the meantime I constantly borrow one licence, because we have only two of them), with shared folder on server. Can someone use just server licence without WGM to use Allplan, firstly installed with option of WGM and see the project made on workgroup (workgrup is not working on the project at that time). Furhtermore, can also this person make changes or work on this project alone. And the opposite question, how is with opening and working on projects made with Allplan, intalled with server licence, without WGM, saved on shared folder to the users of Allplan with WGM (I made the same path/shared folder on server for projects made with Allplan, with or without WGM).
I am looking forward to your answer as soon as possible! Thank you in advance!