[Frage] How to create BIMPLUS account for a group?


Hello BIMPLUS Department,

I would like to make a group in BIMPLUS. Could we have a management for it? I mean I can create accounts for others. I can manage the accounts. The users can not use her/ his account if she/ he is not in my group anymore.
Thank you very much!

Bui Hoang Sang

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Okay, now i understand your Problem:

if they login with the "<user>@<your-Domain.xx>" Address, they can change email to what else they want.
You can see such users always in the Team Management page:

via bimplus or the shop:

When users changes the email, you can remove them from your Team. so they do not habe access to YOUR projects and licences anymore.

they can still use bimplus, but EVERYBODY that has a valid email Address can register via Connect to get his own bimplus team.
As bimplus is an open Plattform, you can not archive, that users do not use bimplus. BUT you can protect your data!

I hope it helps

Allplan Webentwicklung

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11 - 16 (16)

How does a user pass subscription? Do they need customer ID to pass it?

I do not understand this question:
registration dies not need a customer ID (it is not mandatory)

Users WITHOUT customer Number, the System cannot give additional rights f.e. show allplan licences or the Support contract Infos for paying customers

Users WITH confirmed customer Number, may see allplan licences of this Office and additional the Support contract Infos

PS: also in your Accoutn there is no Allplan Customer ID, so you can see: registraiton works without.
to be able to SEE YOUR projects, the user needs an inviation from your team, send out by teammanagement tool in bimplus.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Thank you,

Could you show me how to pass subscription?

Actually we sell such subcription (more Storage/additional Apps) via https://shop.allplan.com (for customers in any EU country, Switzerland or US)

via dealer: see list of regional Partner:


Allplan Webentwicklung

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PS: additionally you can contact the salesheadquarter in munich directly:


Allplan Webentwicklung

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Thank you very much!

11 - 16 (16)