27.12.2019 - 16:09
Hi All,
We detect that the IFC created from tool "Export IFC", generates a strange IFC file.
We analised several IFC created in Allplan 2020.0.3, and from old IFC 2x3, and the new IFC 2x3 and 4, with the same results:
- The "Export IFC" tool (old an new), generates an IFC with a lot of strange line jumps.
- In oficial "IFC schema" from BuildingSmart, the line must jump after the special character ";"
Then, we think that "IFC Export" generates a strange IFC schema, that generates an incorrect IFC
I attach an image to explain it.
Best regards,
Xavier Coll
Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/