
There are several problems in the "checkout" of the computers. In our office we have several laptops, and every day we have to "checkout" our laptops of network, to use this laptops out of the office.

To checkout our laptops of our network, we do:
-> Allmenu
-> Workgroupmanager
-> Administrate projects and computer (Rechner und Projekte Verwalten)

And then we do the process of "Check out" (Auschecken) of the laptop that go out of the office (see image 01)

But the "check out" process doesn't work correctly, because the "chekout" don't copy all the files of the STD !!

The "checkout" process don't copy:
- User attributes
- Kukat Katalogs
- .............

Example with the users attributes:
- image 02: before "chekout"
- image 03: after "chekout"

How to solve it?????
Xavier C.A.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

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