Change area to sq ft



I'm trying to work in the US and have changed the settings from metrical to imperial system in six places already but can't find a way to change it for the room floor area tool. When clicking on units in the area settings, only metric options appear. Has anyone figured this one out yet? You would assume they should make it easier on us if they want Allplan to succeed in the US one day.

Appreciate the help.

Hi Olga,

I assume that you have an issue with legends. Some resources (legends, reinforcement, labels, hatching, patterns,...) are country specific.
Most probably you will need to reinstall Allplan and add US in Country selection dialog.
After that you can create new project that will use US specific resources.

Please see for help.

Thank you so much. I didn't do the installation myself so I can imagine that the IT team installed the German package, which I need as well, but didn't include the package for the US. Is there a way to add it after installation? - Thank you.

As far as i know this depends on Version of Allplan you are running.
Adding a Country package in Allplan 2022 is supported:

Just Reinstall ( No need to uninstall !) and add needed Country packages .. (here US)

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Thank you so much. Appreciate the help.