Export a video from Allplan [Gelöst]

Hi, i have the allplan 2009 on my PC and i would like to export a 3D video is that possible?

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In order to be able to export a movie from Allplan, one needs to have a Camera path set.
After setting the camera path, the movie can be recorded using the function "Record movie". This function is available in the module: Presentation -> Animation

In order to be able to export a movie from Allplan, one needs to have a Camera path set.
After setting the camera path, the movie can be recorded using the function "Record movie". This function is available in the module: Presentation -> Animation

First of all i would like to express my sincere graditude for answering to me.
Do you know how exactly i can set this camera path? Is it a difficult procedure?


Setting the camera path is quiet easy.

Just follow the steps descried in exercise 17(page 381 of the manual) Allplan Arhitecture Tutorial (PDF).

You can find it here : https://www.allplan-campus.com/uploads/tx_acdata/Allplan_2013_ArchitectureTutl_01.pdf

Best Regards,