to catch Points [Gelöst]

Hey, my name ist Urella. I came from Cyprus. It's great zu find this forum for helping.

So, the first question:

I like to draw, but i can't it from Point to Point. How is the Problem. I Think, there are a simple answer?



Hallo Urella,

welcome so to this Forum.
I think, I can help you.
It is possible, that you pushed the button F3 in the alternate keypad?

Beginn to draw and then push the button F3. This ist the solution.


Great, thank you.
but, where can I adjus with Fangpoint I like to draw?


Dear Urella,

what does it mean "adjus"? to adjust?

Open the function "Line" and click to useing the right mouse button.The context menu of definiton of point is open. Click the last line with the left mouse button.
(pic 1)
Than switch to the register catchpionts (middle). Here the choice is yours.

regards Undine

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Thank you so much for your support.

best regrads