[Frage] Total Wall and Total slab Layer property - consistent behavior

Hello everyone,

As a Product Owner at Allplan, I'm seeking your assistance to better understand your preferred solution regarding how total slab or total wall components should behave in relation to their assigned Layer property.

Option 1 - Layer value depends on the first subcomponent:
In this scenario, the total component always shares the same Layer property as the first subcomponent (for example, the first wall layer). This implies that for a Wall with a single layer of concrete, there would always be only one layer property controlling visibility or export.

Option 2 - Layer value is independent of subcomponents:
In this case, the total component has its own distinct Layer property value. This means that for a Wall with one insulation layer, there could be two layer values: one controlling the total slab visibility along with the subcomponent, and another controlling only the subcomponent. This option seems to offer more flexibility, but I'm uncertain about its practical value for users.

At present, both approaches are available for the wall, depending on how you edit the Layer property. Ideally, a preferred solution would be consistently implemented for all total components in the architecture. I'm would also gather feedback on this during the next WIP webinar.

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I vote for Option 2.


I vote for Option 2.

Hey, I’m voting for solution number 2.

It would be really useful to exclude individual wall layers from the quantity takeoff. Also, being able to assign a takeoff type to the whole wall element would make it easier to get the total quantity directly.

For example, a 40 cm wall made up of 12+8+20 cm should be calculated as a whole in cubic meters, without breaking it down into layers.

Sorry for bringing up a new topic, but since we’re already talking about multi-layer walls, I thought I’d mention it.


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