[Frage] Window labels [Gelöst]

Hi All,

I would like create window label.
This label have to contain the window opening type.
How can I create this label?
Window opening type: Tilt, turn, etc...
I would like show this opening type in plan.
The attachment plan is german language. DK (dreh-kipp): turn-tilt.

György Bruckner

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Hi all!

I Solved. I added a few program code to the smartparts.

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I use the Allplan 2019-0-3 unicode 64-bit with german language.

György Bruckner


I think this will be problematic.
To create a label you need an attribute that describes "window opening type". You can look at the attributes. U have - Object name - Window, macro + Smart Part. Because the window is smt.
The only thing that comes to mind is, unfortunately, manually adding the user's attribute and filling it in manually.

Hi panmarcin,

Thanks for your answer.
I thought about that too. Unfortunately, in this case, if the window is mirrored, the label will be bad.

György Bruckner

It works properly, if you use the right attributes!

windows/doors with one leaf can be done with standarad-attributes.

"Türanschlag" -> Attribut with Text in it
"Bitfolge_FLügel DINlinks/DINrechts" -> "Flag" with some numbers for DK, D, and so on.

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Hi Markus_Philipp,

Thanks for your answer.
Unfortunately I use Smartparts and I don't use the "Türanschlag".
The "Bitfolge_FLügel DINlinks/DINrechts" is always 0.

György Bruckner

Hi all!

I Solved. I added a few program code to the smartparts.

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