Window smartparts, hide the cross

How do I make the cross in a window invisible? Adding a glass pane with a thickness makes it invisible from the outside but not when viewed from the inside.

Oh and while i'm here. Please fix the opening symbol. The whole element opens, not just the opening in the element. Red is correct.

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in the new window modeller in 2025 the cross won't even disappear when applying glass with a thickness. Is there some way I can hide these crosses?


You can solve it by looking at the attached image.

Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]
Ankara / Turkiye

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Zitiert von: HaTeM
You can solve it by looking at the attached image.

Thanks. That works.
I would have never thought to look there. The name is not really descriptive.