I am using area reinforcement tool for a slab which creates non-rounded bar lengths (e.g. 2.47m). Is there a way I can modify the bar lengths for each mark individually in this area?
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- CAD Engineering
[Frage] Allplan 2015 area reinf. modify individual bar lengths
04.10.2018 - 06:31
24.10.2018 - 07:00
you can modify reinforcement bars with the help of "Stretch Entities" on the iron itself and on the scheme.
Kind regards,
Florian Müller
Support Engineer
ALLPLAN Deutschland GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich, Germany
Anhänge (1)
26.11.2018 - 23:06
Hi Chritsar,
If you mean to modify the lenght, you can change the general setting of Allplan to round up the lenght to 5cm.
To do that, you need to open the configuration on Tool\option\reinforcement and look on rounding menu.
Bye & Good use!
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