[Frage] Change project country [Gelöst]

  • Languages
  • Country

Hy guys,

I was wondering if it is possible to thange the country of the project in project settings after already having created the project?
Circled in ss.

Thank you

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Use Country to create the project with country-specific settings (further information). You can only define this setting when you create a project; you cannot change this setting later.

Means: you need
- to have different language / country packages in your licence
- have them selected during installation
- and can only select the country during creation of the project.

in short words:
sorry, "NO" ..

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Use Country to create the project with country-specific settings (further information). You can only define this setting when you create a project; you cannot change this setting later.

Means: you need
- to have different language / country packages in your licence
- have them selected during installation
- and can only select the country during creation of the project.

in short words:
sorry, "NO" ..

Allplan Webentwicklung

Private messages must be private. No support request via Private message.