create section with no depth

  • Allplan 2019


I would like to create section with no depth.

"No depth" means outline for
where i cu the 3d geometry like attached file.

I know that there is a function for the model created in Allplan.

But now I have to create section from model imported from other software by IFC format.

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Allplan doesn't make any section without depth, it's our way of working. Doesn't matter which tool you use but you need to define a depth.

So if you need something special, i will recommande to use a very small depth (1mm) or less and than it should be similar to what you want.

Bye & Good Use!

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

thats not right at all..

for section without depth you have only to disable visible edges and hidden edges.

Namenlos gezeichnet in vollem Bewusstsein - ignorant, in eigen Augen vermutlich höflich, dennoch unhöflichst, unfreundlichst wer einen/viele vermutete - sich von alters erschließende Namen nennt.

Hi MArkus,

Thank you for your feedback which is realy interresting.

Let's say you are partly right and i'm not totaly Wrong.

For Architecture purpose, architectural object and 3D model, you can use the trick to deseable the visible and hide edge.

But for Engineering purpose, like bars, you can't do a section with no depth it's not possible.

You will allways get the depth of the bars belong to the depth of your section.

Bye & Good Use!

HINT; i should not say it's not possible but it depend of the object. (Because of my background, i currently think as an engineering designer..)

Responsable Technique Préfabrication & Ingénierie
Precast Sales & Support

Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

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Hi Judy and MArkus,

Thank you for your advices.
I understand that I should define the depth for section and I can set visible and hidden edges.
I will try to do it.