[Frage] IFC Import issue - Allplan 2019

  • Allplan 2019
  • IFC Import
  • IFC


I have problem with importing IFC model to my Allplan Project (IFC4 version). After import i can see import report, which includes inormation about all imported elements - there is category "Ignored elements" where Allplan lists elements which weren't imported. Does enyone know why some elements are ignored? Some columns, beams, etc... And of course I can open my IFC model without any missing objects in other IFC Viewers.

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Viewers are more tolerant with some kinds of defective data (e.g. not closed Surfaces or Violations of IFC Standards). In Allplan with some of those data, we cannot create anything at all.
To find out, what causes the Issues in your case we need the original IFC Data. Is it possible that you send reduced Data to our support?


Product Manager Allplan Cloud & Bimplus, Allplan GmbH