[Frage] Rebar detailing

  • Allplan
  • Rebar
  • Ladder

Hello Engineers!

I'd like ask about your help to reach this output format to rebars.
My main concern is that: only show one rebar, like a stirrup in a beam but show all of the other one's position. I attach an example what is perfectly descripes what i do want to reach.

Please somebody can upload a project file or some importable setting file that i can use to make my detailing look like EXACLY on this example document? For example, take Mark 1 rebar. No side view is visible, still it is displayed with multiple nodes.

Thanks in advance

Csanad Murvay
Civil Engineering student

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Hello Csanad,
What want to do with Mark 1 can be done by converting some of your bars on the view as "construction lines". That way your dimension lines will stay but you don't see the all the bars. See the attached screenshot.

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Thank you for the advice!
I managed to do this, but when I tried to add it to the layout the converted elements suddenly went on "passive" and I'm unable to select them out.
Have you encountered this kind of problem? The bars are not visible in wireframe mode as well... only in the others.

What can cause this?

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In addition, every new rebar I place is placed with the default construction line color, undetectable and uneditable, nor visible on sections or on elevations... Could you please suggest something?

I did: after making the labels to them, selected a bunch of bars, CTRL+SHIFT+M, Make them construction lines.. Something went wrong.

I'm not sure I understand your problem. Perhaps you changed the layer of the reinforcement?
My original suggestion was to mark the bars as construction lines only on the view or section not on the 3D model. You can always change the format back to the original. Hope this helps.

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