[Frage] Reinforcement symbols

  • Reinforcement
  • Symbols

whit the new update of Allplan Engineering 2019-0-4 I cannot properly create new symbol with reinforcement and then import it. The problem is when I import the new symbol the views of reinforcement are not on the right position. This problem only appears when I create new symbol in the update 0-4. If I import a symbol created with lower version it works fine. I am working with the new views and sections.
Observation: it looks like the views are imported as they would be drawn with sections.

Any suggestions how to solve the problem?

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i have the same problem...

Software: Allplan, Lumion, OM by Cycot, Simplebim, Nevaris...
Coachings unter http://www.cycot.de / Tutorials unter http://www.allplanlernen.de

i have the same problem...

Software: Allplan, Lumion, OM by Cycot, Simplebim, Nevaris...
Coachings unter http://www.cycot.de / Tutorials unter http://www.allplanlernen.de