[Frage] Unable to extract reinforcement 2D lines from a view/section [Gelöst]

  • Reinforcement
  • Rebars
  • 2Dlines
  • From
  • View/section


I hope there is someone that can help with the below.

First some info on why I need the information. In the past, whenever I was creating a view or a section with reinforcement in it, I was able to extract 2D lines of the rebars. Not the ones that were being labeled in this section but the connecting bars from other elements.

However, since the engineering views and sections were deactivated this is not possible. The command "convert view to 2D" extracts everything in 2D apart from the reinforcement.

I cannot demonstrate the needed result or the method I was using as I cannot use the old commands anymore.

Is there a setting or a work around that I could use?

Thank you in advance!

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This is changed indeed with the new section functions. Now you need 2 functions to convert a reinforced section to 2D lines. Use the "Convert to 2D" to get the 2D lines for the shape models, like you already described. For the reinforcement you need the "Conversion" command under the "Reinforcement" tab and under the category "Bar reinforcement". If you open the pull down under "Modify placement display mode" you will find this command, see also the picture.

Hope this will answer your question.

Kind regards,

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This is changed indeed with the new section functions. Now you need 2 functions to convert a reinforced section to 2D lines. Use the "Convert to 2D" to get the 2D lines for the shape models, like you already described. For the reinforcement you need the "Conversion" command under the "Reinforcement" tab and under the category "Bar reinforcement". If you open the pull down under "Modify placement display mode" you will find this command, see also the picture.

Hope this will answer your question.

Kind regards,

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Hi Nick,

This is excellent! Thank you!

I would only have one more question related to this. The method you described is accurate and the result is 99% what I am looking for. The only part that is not the same is that the 2D lines appear as single lines. The old method used to outline the shape of the rebars.

I am not trying to be picky . Your solution is perfect and if there is no other way, this is what I am going to use.

I have attached a picture showing what I mean.

Once again many thanks!

Kind Regards,

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Hi George,

You are welcome :-)

For the second question, that is also still possible. You only need to change a setting in the Options for it before running the "Conversion" command. Go to the Options and change under the tab Reinforcement-Representation the value for "Print double line when scale is set to at least" to the highest possible and make sure the scale you have active in your model space is below this value. When you run the "Conversion" command after that it will give you the outer lines of the bar like you want.

Kind regards,

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Thanks again Nick! Very helpful!

Kind Regards,