[Frage] how to increase the number of characters in the "layout user attributes"

  • Layout user attributes

Does someone know how to increase the number of characters in the "layout user attributes?
By default are 63 characters and I need some more, for example 160.
I've tried to edit this number with the AttributManager.exe, Seems be changed, but inside Allplan the maximum nuber of characters are teh same of 63.

I attach image.



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Hello Antoli,

MinValue and MaxValue are for the number values. This allows to limit the range used for the attribute. In your example, you cannot insert a negative value or a value greater than 160.
In your case, I think you need a string with more characters. I think this is not possible to change the length of a string attribute...

Hi Bertrand_C!

Yes, I understand what you say when creating a new user attribute, integer or Floating-point numerical type. You can define de minimum and maximum value of this attribute can have (see image1)

But in the case that I say, I think something different works.
If we look at the "Layout user attributes", from the attibutemanager.exe or inside the "LocalLayoutAttributeDefinition.xml" file, we see that the maximum value is 63 characters, and if we try to put a higher value this message appears: "You can only enter up to 63 characters in this field..." (see image2)

In fact, if we modify that maximum value by editing the xml file for example to 10 characters, we see that the message is in accordance with this modification: "You can only enter up to 10 characters in this field..." (see image3)

Anyway, put the number of characters that you put, if you create a Legend with these attibutes, the result is always truncated to 63 characters.

that's why I think something different works.


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Hello Antolí,

Thank you for the details. I never used this way to define the number of caracters. I didn't imagine we can change the length of a string like that.
I suppose, inside Allplan, the limit of caracters is 63 because the length of the variable is certainly 64 caracters with one to define the type.
I think the problem is in the hands of the develpment team (we ask them to recreate the attribute management in Allplan from years...) but it's clear this is very complex especially to keep the compatibility with previous versions. So, this stays as it is...
Maybe, the issue is only to use several attributes and concatenate them for the result...