[Frage] Missing Reinforcment after import from Wizard

  • Allplan
  • 2024
  • Wizards
  • Reinforcement

Hello everybody.

In Allplan 2024 after importing elements with drawing from Wizards, the reinforcement is missing.
Even if I create a new wizard from project in 2024, the reinforcment is visible in the wizard Window, but after import in the Plan View Window desapear.

I created simbols in the Library and they work after importing.

Thank you.

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Allplan has changed the way wizards behave in version 2024.
Some things that have been easy to do in previous versions for 20 years are no longer possible.
Perhaps this is one of them.
Support may be able to clarify whether this is the case.


Allplan has changed the way wizards behave in version 2024.
Some things that have been easy to do in previous versions for 20 years are no longer possible.
Perhaps this is one of them.
Support may be able to clarify whether this is the case.

Hello Bertrand,

Thank you for the answer.
Let's see what will be the solution.

Best regards,


There was a general change in 2024 for managing the reinforcement in the wizard/Assistent.

You can still use the "double right click" to match the property but you can't drag&drop or copy data.

Solution can be:

- Use the library to copy and past content of reinforcement. It's similar to a drag&drop and can allow you restructure your data with a search tool in the library.

- Or you can open NDW file external to work as usual with a wizard but i don't know if this is a certified solution and if this will be always possible.

Bye & Good Use!

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Allplan France & Allplan Software Engineering

Depuis 2006

Dear, Mr Judy GURAVADU,

Thank you for your answer.
My opinion is that the both options are not a solution:
- Library is much slower then Wizards
- we will need to open 10 NDW files and this may be will increase the load over the PC, but in general I do not like this option.

I think that before make such big changes Allplan has to inform the customers for that.

Do you have any update information regarding the case with reinforcement and Wizards or a better solution?

Otherwise we have to stay with 2023 version forever.

Thank you.