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Foil dürfte hier der richtige begriff sein..
DEFINE FOIL defines a foil (corresponding to a foil of an <Product> smart symbol).
DEFINE FOIL name visible2D, visible3D, from_scale, to_scale, refPnt1X, refPnt1y, refPnt1z, refPnt2X, refPnt2y, refPnt2z, layerA, layerB, layerC, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ
name (string): name of the foil, must be enclosed in quotes
visible2D, visible3D (boolean): 0 (invisiblor 1 (visible) in 2D or 3D view
from_scale: content of foil is only visible, if current scale is greater than from_scale
to_scale: content of foil is visible, if current scale is less than or equal to to_scale
refPnt1x, refPnt1y, refPnt1z (decimal): X, Y, Z of Refpoint1
refPnt2x, refPnt2y, refPnt2z (decimal): X, Y, Z of Refpoint2
layerA, layerB, layerC (boolean): 0 (invisiblor 1 (visible) for layer
scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ: scale dependency for direction X, Y, Z 0=X , 1=Y, 2=Z
The foil can be used only in the script in which it was defined and its subsequent second generation scripts. After the definition of the foil you can activate the foil with SET FOIL, all objects created afterwards in the script will be placed on this foil. The foil can be specified either by its name or by its index number, with the following syntax:
[SET]FOIL name_of_foil: name of the foil enclosed in quotes
[SET]FOIL index: The index is a constant referring to a foil stack in the internal data structure. This stack is modified during script analysis and can also be modified from within the program. The use of the index instead of the foil name is only recommended with the prior use of the INDEX function. With SET FOIL 0 you can reset the script to the automatic foil creation, where 2D objects and 3D objects are placed on different foils and are visible in the scale range from 1:1 to 1:1000.
Namenlos gezeichnet in vollem Bewusstsein - ignorant, in eigen Augen vermutlich höflich, dennoch unhöflichst, unfreundlichst wer einen/viele vermutete - sich von alters erschließende Namen nennt.