[Frage] Solid cutting

Hi, is there a command to cut a solid by means of a polyline in order to obtain, see sketch, the red solid?

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PUT p [ i ][ x ], p [ i ][ y ]NEXT i

Should be

PUT p [ i ][ x ], p [ i ][ y ]

Without the complete SmartPart with the specific parameters, I can't say anything else here!

Zitiert von: Nemo

PUT p [ i ][ x ], p [ i ][ y ]NEXT iShould be
PUT p [ i ][ x ], p [ i ][ y ]NEXT iWithout the complete SmartPart with the specific parameters, I can't say anything else here!

Hi Nemo, look at the attachment.

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PDF is of no use to me!
The point coordinates in the array p[5][2]are missing.

Apparently there are duplicate points there.

I cannot find GOSUB “reset_p”.
This sets the points to a “defined initial state! This should be done by clicking on a button in the palette!

Without the complete SmartPart with the specific parameters, I can't help!

11 - 13 (13)