Problem with slabs conversion to Allplan 2025

  • Datwa
  • ConversionA25

Hello everyone,
A significant problem arises when upgrading a slabs from the previous version to Allplan 2025. The slab maintains its height and geometry, but loses its associated references. Furthermore, changes to these references cannot be applied.

If you have already converted your project with slabs to the 2025-0-2 (or a previous 25 version), here are your options:

Option 1 - Correct it manually
To rectify such a faulty slab, you need to add at least one new attribute to the hyper slab object. After this step, the slab will function correctly. However, the original association is still lost and must be recreated.

Option 2 - Wait for 2025-0-3 (release 22.1.2025)
2025-0-3 version would already contain fixed conversion. That means if you save your drawing files with slabs to the package and reimport it back, replacing the same drawing files, slabs would be fixed.

Option 3 - Wait for 2025-0-4 (release soon after 2025-0-3)
A special hotfix 2025-0-4 version will be created sooner than usual. This version will allow already upgraded slabs to be modified automatically. Additionally, we will add a fix to the data healer function, which will enable the slabs to recover the lost associated references.

The projects converted by 2025-0-3 and further would not be affected by this issue.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Tomáš Garaj, Product owner, 3D Architecture

EDIT J Veleltti: moved to Forum Section: Notification so this is visible in all languages

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