explicit delete a attribute from a object

The most robust way to delete a attribut from an object including main wall objects on the gui is to export all attribute to excel an import this excel with a attribut value of "<delete>" on the attributes and objects the attributes should be deleted.

Is there some python method or a workaround do explicit delete a attribute from an object?

cheers bernd

BIM-Modelle Tragwerksplaner --> http://www.bimstatik.ch/
My Allplan PythonParts --> https://github.com/BIMStatik/AllplanPythonParts
LinkedIN --> https://ch.linkedin.com/in/bernd-hahnebach-269b855a

Hi Bernd,

Simple answer is: not yet. We plan to introduce this feature in the near future, probably in ALLPLAN 2026.


which means we will have it on the workstations in the office here around spring 2027 ...

Could it work to create a new object assign the gemetry and all attributes accept this one?

I fear this will not work robust and a lot of other problems will arise, because more than just "deleting" the attribute will happen ...

BIM-Modelle Tragwerksplaner --> http://www.bimstatik.ch/
My Allplan PythonParts --> https://github.com/BIMStatik/AllplanPythonParts
LinkedIN --> https://ch.linkedin.com/in/bernd-hahnebach-269b855a