[Frage] Get Diameter List


is it possible to write a formula to find the reinforcement diameters in open drawing files with Python?

Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye

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Hi Hatem,

You would like to just go through all the reinforcement in open drawing files and check, what rebar diameters are used? Then this piece of code would do the job:

def get_all_diameters(doc: AllplanElementAdapter.DocumentAdapter) -> set[float]:
    all_elements = AllplanBaseElements.ElementsSelectService.SelectAllElements(doc)
    bar_definitions = filter(lambda adapter: adapter.GetElementAdapterType().GetGuid() == AllplanElementAdapter.BarsDefinition_TypeUUID, all_elements)
    all_diameters = set()

    for bar_definition in bar_definitions:
        bar_position_data = AllplanReinf.BarPositionData(bar_definition)

    return all_diameters

At the end you get a set of diameters. As you can see, you need the DocumentAdapter (object representing currently opened drawing files) as input.

When you use this function in a PythonPart, you have access to this object. If you want to use this function in a formula in a legend or report, that won't work, as you can't get the DocumentAdapter there.


11 - 12 (12)

Zitiert von: TheSocialPotwal
Please provide the whole .py and .pyp file. Save the .py file as .txt and zip it with the .pyp file.

I think what Hatem is trying to achieve here is processing the list of diameters placed in he drawing file with a python formula used in ALLPLAN formula interpreter (like you have in a legend field or label) and not in a PythonPart.
And the key difference between those two is that you have completely two different inputs. In a Pythonpart, before the script execution ALLPLAN prepares the DocumentAdapter - an object through which you can access all resources in the currently opened drawing files.
This is not the case for the python functions used in a legend/label/report. Here, what you can use as input for your function is only an attribute value. So it can be a string, integer, double, but not the whole document. The therefore, my function won't work in this context.



There are some formulas in Allplan that are not in the help files. I wonder if there might be a formula for the diameter list as well? Does anyone have any information on this?

Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye

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