[Frage] Question - Intersection Points node and surfaces/places/breps [Gelöst]

  • Intersection
  • Point

Greetings everyone,

I have a question regarding how the “IntersectionPoint” node works. Does is work with planes and surfaces? If not, are there any alternatives?
Also is there a way to reduce the number of points when intersecting with sphere/oval objects, as it would probably generate numerous points, causing the script to crash?

I am trying to make a script that generates a terrain model using slabs using the sloped-surface terrain from allplan. So as a starting point I have a random shaped surface, which then is sliced using planes and finally take out their intersection points. Using the points slabs are created, starting from the highest point, whose shape/area is afterwards substracted from the one below (making the terrain easier to model).
I have tried with different combination of nodes, but the “IntersectionPoints” node seems to only work with linear objects (polyline, lines, spline etc.). I have attached below a basic script just as a reference point.

Bonus question:
I am still at the planning phase of the script and I am not even sure if there are the required tools in VS. What do you think, is it possible?

Thank You in advance,

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Zitiert von: DGeorgiev
I am trying to make a script that generates a terrain model using slabs using the sloped-surface terrain from allplan. So as a starting point I have a random shaped surface, which then is sliced using planes and finally take out their intersection points. Using the points slabs are created, starting from the highest point, whose shape/area is afterwards substracted from the one below (making the terrain easier to model).

The node IntersectionPoints currently only works between curves. It doesn't support to calculate intersections between curves with surfaces or solids.

Although VS has some limitation, but it should still be able to accomplish something similar to what you shown in your target picture, if the terrain isn't very complicated. Please check the screenshot attached for details.

The basic idea is to generate the contours from a terrain surface based on planes. Luckily the node SectionCurves will help you there. After that, you just need to use them generate the base surfaces and then extrude those base surfaces (try Node ExtrudeAlongVector or ShellFromFace) to get the solid you need.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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IntersectionPoint determines points as the name suggests!
If a NURBS surface is "intersected" with a plane, however, curves are created!

Maybe it is a good idea to start with this paradigm and see how NURBS surfaces and planes can be intersected.

The resulting curves could be the boundary for the terrain layers...

Hallo Dobromir

Es hat zwar nichts mit Visual Scripting zutun, aber eventuell bringt dich das auch weiter.
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Gruss Thierry


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Zitiert von: DGeorgiev
I am trying to make a script that generates a terrain model using slabs using the sloped-surface terrain from allplan. So as a starting point I have a random shaped surface, which then is sliced using planes and finally take out their intersection points. Using the points slabs are created, starting from the highest point, whose shape/area is afterwards substracted from the one below (making the terrain easier to model).

The node IntersectionPoints currently only works between curves. It doesn't support to calculate intersections between curves with surfaces or solids.

Although VS has some limitation, but it should still be able to accomplish something similar to what you shown in your target picture, if the terrain isn't very complicated. Please check the screenshot attached for details.

The basic idea is to generate the contours from a terrain surface based on planes. Luckily the node SectionCurves will help you there. After that, you just need to use them generate the base surfaces and then extrude those base surfaces (try Node ExtrudeAlongVector or ShellFromFace) to get the solid you need.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Many thanks to everyone for your replies as they were of major help.

Although VS has some limitation, but it should still be able to accomplish something similar to what you shown in your target picture, if the terrain isn't very complicated. Please check the screenshot attached for details.

The basic idea is to generate the contours from a terrain surface based on planes. Luckily the node SectionCurves will help you there. After that, you just need to use them generate the base surfaces and then extrude those base surfaces (try Node ExtrudeAlongVector or ShellFromFace) to get the solid you need.

That is perfect. I think the script may be able to work with even complex terrain if the curves are first polygonised. I will do some testing by adding this as an option to the script.

A visual script that works with volume BReps instead of surfaces can "decompose" any BReps into layers.

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Zitiert von: Nemo
A visual script that works with volume BReps instead of surfaces can "decompose" any BReps into layers.

This method also looks very promising. Could you please also upload a screenshot of the script? I had problems opening the pyp file due to the difference in versions. I used the method, or at least what I understood from the translator, discussed in the linked thread below -


I managed to open the pyp file, but it seems to unable to read the xml file no matter what and unlinking the nodes in the process.

Here it is...

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Thank you! Some of the nodes seems to also have been deleted when changing the version. This is what the file looks for me.

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For this problem, please contact the hotline!

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