[Frage] StringComboBox - StirrupType Connection Restriction

  • StringComboBox
  • StirrupType
  • Visual
  • Scripting

Hi All,

I'm trying to define StirrupType for the ClosedStirrup node. As shown on the picture, node expexts StringComboBox to be connected to it. So I'm not sure why, instead of proper connection, as in case with other nodes, it showing some kind of restriction symbol and failing to connect at all.

Do I need to use some special StringComboBox in this case? Also, as far as I undarstand StirrupType for ClosedStirrup uses 4 options defined by Allplan - "Normal", "Column", "Diamond" and "Torsion", which I'm using as a StringList in this case.

Maybe someone had a similar problem and knows what can be done in this instance, as I really want to done my first script clean .

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This is a bug in the node in 2023!
Just leave the input unconnected, then you can enter the stirrup type in the palette.
In 2024 it is apparently fixed.

This is a bug in the node in 2023!
Just leave the input unconnected, then you can enter the stirrup type in the palette.
In 2024 it is apparently fixed.