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BIM plus and Xrefs

Incredibly, I just installed Allplan 2018 and check that the Xref still do not upload into the BIMplus model. If you have a project with lots of repeating elements and you want to work with BIMplus, you have two options:

1 Give up the excellent tool of external references, and manually copy the changes to multiple files.

2 Upload Xrefs to BIMplus as an IFC model, renouncing the advantages of file organization in Allplan

I find it hard to understand that Xrefs are correctly exported as IFC and can not be uploaded to BIM plus

Have you managed to solve this problem?

Something similar happens to me, the xref are not well represented in the ifc format, in 3 sections of wall, the walls cover some windows ...

I have made these 3 walls again to verify that it was not a union error and the wall continues to cover everything.