[Вопрос] Mengenübersicht , Mengentacho aktualisieren : "Quantity Overview" tool doesn't works in Allplan 2020.0.2


Hi All,

In Allplan 2020.0.2, the tool "Quantity Overview" ( Mengenübersicht , Mengentacho aktualisieren ), doesn't works....

I Attach a video, to show the error.

Best regards,
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/

Вложения (2)

Type: video/mp4
Загружено 702 раз
Size: 1,37 MiB
Type: image/png
Загружено 16 раз
Size: 564,51 KiB

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Will be fixed in next Hotfix 2020-0-4...

best regards

Allplan Product Owner

Will be fixed in next Hotfix 2020-0-4...

best regards

Allplan Product Owner