[Вопрос] Special floor

Hi, does anyone know what would be the best method to create a flooring similar to the attached photo? The function should automatically cut the tiles at the edges of the room, give the possibility to see the material in the animation window as well as the thickness in section and give the possibility of having a report of the various types of tiles.
I think one of the best methods could be "smart poses" but you can't see it in the animation window or even the thickness in section.
I await your suggestions, thank you.

Вложения (1)

Type: image/png
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vielleicht hilft dir die funktion verlegung etwas weiter.
leider nur 2d dafür mit auswertungsreport.

gruß andreas

The Blues is the roots, everything else is the fruits. Willie Dixon

Вложения (3)

Type: image/jpeg
Загружено 58 раз
Size: 897,49 KiB
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Загружено 59 раз
Size: 575,86 KiB
Type: image/jpeg
Загружено 55 раз
Size: 760,93 KiB
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Цитируется из: Nemo
Facade isn't made for this!
Take Plugin 3D-Pattern
You can use this for 2 weeks free as demo-version.
Or write your own SmartPart.

But then you wouldn't get a report of the various types of tiles, because that are only 3d-solids inside a macro!

Thank you Nemo for indications. Goodbye
11 - 11 (11)