[Вопрос] Backup folder and shadow copies

  • Allplan
  • Backup

Hello everyone,

I have two issues related to drawing data backup:

1) How can I ensure that Allplan always creates this backup folder when starting a new project? Currently, it’s inconsistent—sometimes it creates the folder, and sometimes it doesn’t.

2) How can I configure Windows or Allplan to automatically create daily shadow copies of file after a certain period so that I can use the recovery function from Windows when the file have fails or damaged?

Вложения (2)

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The data in the Backup folder or the .bak files are not systematic backups of your data. They are simply useful files for Allplan in the event of a rollback.
If you wish to have a backup of your data, use Windows Backup or specific backup software (such as SyncBack Free, UltraBackup, etc.).
Allplan files can be backed up at any time without using a Shadow Copy system.