flying dots problem

  • Allplan
  • 2021-1-18
  • Reinforcement
  • Rebar
  • Bug

in the Allplan 2021-1-18 version I have had a problem drawing bars as dots in 2D for a long time. I spread them in cross-section, they look good, they are already described, and after a few moments the whole distributions "fly out into space" - the description stays in the same place, but the dots are scattered around the drawing.
Most often, this problem appears when moving - arranging the cross-section in the drawing.
Maybe someone has a different solution than "drawing in 3D"?


I don't recognize the problem so I don't have a 1 on 1 solution but maybe it has something to do with coordinates. Do you work with large coordinates? And if yes, did you set up a offset coordinate when setting up the project in Allplan for the first time?

Kind regards,


I don't think so...
Offset coordinates are set "0".
It happens in every project, 2-5 times a day.
This did not happen in v.2016 and lower versions.
I associate it with the modification of bars: when lengthening bars, the program "lengthens" = "shifts" the bars, although it should not move the dots, especially those that are not the extended position, although they may be similar to it.

Thank you anyway


Ah okay and you are also working around that 0,0 coordinate in Allplan?

Weird thing what you explain. But to get it clear, you only model the bars like a shape of a dot in the sections but you not place them in an area? And those placed dots are moving out of the section when moving the section?

Kind regards,


I draw in 2D: I create a 2D bar and unfold it in the view, then distribute the same bar in a cross section as dots. These elements are 2D (I know Allplan is 3D, but that's not the point). When I want to move the cross-section or just the dots in the drawing (these are just a few lines and bars drawn with dots), the bars are scattered over the entire area, e.g. by several dozen meters. The same thing happens when I want to copy them: the pasted element "falls apart" in the drawing. Or when I want make them new position number.

Do you draw in 2D or only in 3D? If only 3D, I don't think you have encountered this problem...

Yes so you just draw reinforcement with 2D lines, no real reinforcement functions in Allplan, correct?
I draw both in 2D as 3D in several occasions, mostly in 3D though. But with sections in general I sometimes het colleagues having problems with things moving far far away in sections, mostly 3D models. Mostly this is due to not having an offset coordinate but drawing on coordinates. Then Allplan is moving things around in big numbers due to an error in the backside because the distance to its calculation coordinate is to big. That is why I was thinking of that same problem in your case...

I use real reinforcement functions and make elements 2D (they are invisible in 3D, but Allplan counts reinforcement bars as usually.)
I see what You are trying to say to me...
Thank You, I have to try new ways while creating a new project.

sorunu tam anlayamadım. resim atabilir misiniz?
belki donatıyı modele atarken hiza seçeneğini kullanırsanız çözülür.(ek dosya)

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The same drawing before and after a minor change (sometimes it is enough to move it, sometimes change the bar diameter, sometimes renumbering). Some of the rods go into space, they are moved and their descriptions are left in place. They are shifted by any distance, sometimes orthogonally, sometimes arbitrarily.

The description you are writing about is inactive when drawing 2D.

(For those who think I'm a layman: I have been drawing in Allplan since 2000, mostly 2D, sometimes 3D, and this is not the first time that such problems appear. The 2016-1-13 Allplan version is the best of all.)

Thank you for your support.

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