Installation file don't work

  • Allplan 2024

Hello everybody
I have a very big problem here.
I've used Allpan Engineering 2024 perfectly till today. Due to the lack of space on my storage, the workflow of the progam was not operating acordingly, so, i started to clean up my drive.

I have to mention that I didn;t touch any file related to the profram.
So, after the cleanup, I wanted to reopen the program again but.......surprise! It seems that it cannot read the "DATADRIVE\DATAPATH from the registry" ant after that, it say that it can't get the resistry key.

Now, I've got installed the versions 2021, 2023 and 2024. The 2021 I don't use anymore, the 2023 bersion I've managed to repair, and, here comes the problem.

I can'd do anything with my 2024 version. It just simply don't run the instalation file.
I've tried to open it in every way. It jus show me the welcome screen, like in the photo attached and then, nothin happens. I've tried to unistall it from the control panel...same story. Tried to reinstall it with an early version, same story and now, I don't know what to do anymore.

I've tried on another PC and there, the installer works without any problem.

What is to do?

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You need to Create a HotInfo Protolcol request when starting allplan . This will include all needed infos and the additional errors about missing folder/files or broken registry ..

then contact the Support of your country.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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