[Вопрос] Permanent use of the setting for the color of the mark to be the same with the color of the reinforcement

  • Bar Reinforcement
  • Mark number
  • Color

I have the following problem: in the ‘Bar Reinforcement’ Module > ‘Bar label’ > ‘Option for text’ there is a setting called ‘Line color of border from element’ that I need to tick in order for the mark’s circle to use the same color as the reinforcement bar. For us, this helps a lot during manufacturing process.

The problem is that if I am setting it manually for the first time and using it on one bar, and then I go out of the function in order to move or modify something when I use again the 'Bar label' function, this feature gets reset, so I need to go and set it up again for that bar. How can I make this feature permanent ?

I searched for a setting in ‘Options’ but I could not find anything related to this issue. I also saved my 'Bar label' settings in a ‘favorite’ file, but still, after every bar it ‘forgets’ the loaded file. The weird thing is that it looks like it remembers any other settings from the ‘Bar label’ function except this ‘Line color…’ feature.

An alternative solution would be for the 'Bar label' setting to remember the favorite file that I previously loaded and used. Can it be done ?

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Hi horatios,

There is a setting in Options for this, in Reinforcement / Format tab, see Line Bar reinforcement - placement.


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Great! Thank you! I suggest with the next version of Allplan to be ticked as default...
