[Вопрос] Reinforcement length precision [Решен]

  • Reinforcement
  • Length
  • Precision
  • Engineering

I have a problem with reinforcement precision settings. I had this setting changed by external PythonParts tool and I do not know where to change it back. I need reinforcement to have length rounded to 1 cm whereas it shows up with 1 mm precision. Where do I change this setting? Allplan 2018.

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The problem was more complicated as everything was set to cm and it still showed milimeters. Solution was to delete user Local settings folder before loading favorite options file.
Anyways thank you for the answer

Hi Maciej

Please check Options/Reinforcement/Label settings

You probably changed Schema/Unit to cm and Schema/Round segment lenghts to mm.

The problem was more complicated as everything was set to cm and it still showed milimeters. Solution was to delete user Local settings folder before loading favorite options file.
Anyways thank you for the answer